Mark Gauger
Founder and Managing Partner
Mark Gauger has been involved in product development for over 25 years. He consults regularly with business leaders to help transform their businesses with design.
Mark Rolston
Founder and Chief Creative
Mark Rolston is a renowned designer and creative leader with a 25-year career working with the world’s largest and most innovative companies.
Established companies need innovation, growth, and change.
They are ready to conceive new product experiences; to give a new product the form, function and behavior that bring experiences to life; to update an existing product in response to new opportunities or evolving market needs; to unify the broad array of characteristics contributing to the brand.
With these established organizations, we serve as product design consultants. Our team injects fresh thinking into their process, and lends expertise in the core discipline
of product design.
Startups need resources to bring new ideas to fruition.
They’ve devised new technologies, or they’ve conceived of new behaviors in new markets, and they possess great energy and inspiration. What they need are the skills of talented designers, and the rigor of well-developed design processes.
For these entrepreneurs, we act as growth partners. We develop deeply woven relationships that allow us to guide strategy and roadmapping at every level, and over the long term.
In all our work, we draw on our team’s talent and experience in the core competencies of design:
Research: to frame your product goals within the context of customer needs, desires and behavior, available technology, business models, and market expectations.
Strategy: to determine your greatest opportunities within the context of available technology, the market, and consumer needs.
Design: to conceive of the experiences your product should create; to give your product the form, function and behavior that bring innovative new experiences to life.
by Mark Rolston
In 1994 I came to work for frog. I stayed there for 20 years and helped build an amazing team. During that time I had the pleasure of working with some of the most talented designers in the world. Among those was Gregory Hom, one of the best brand identity designers in the world. Gregory is behind some of the greatest logos in the world: SAP, Logitech, Acura, Oracle,
Wine.com, VMware, Java, and frog's own identity.
In January 2014, I asked Gregory to help me create a logo for argo. I had in mind a logo made from greek symbols, ships, and various A letterforms.
We explored a lot of ideas until my 9 year-old daughter, Annika, reminded me that an argonaut is also the name for a particular octopus. She immediately drew up her idea for the logo, which looked a lot like a
Pac-Man ghost. I sent this along to Greg and within an hour he
sent back several versions of what ultimately became our logo.
Today Greg often collaborates with us to help our customers
create a beautiful new brand identity that integrates deeply
with our product strategy and design.
Stay tuned: many of those companies will soon
debut their brand and product to the world.
Gregory can be reached at www.fishbowldesign.com